Meat Buffet and Black Market Books

It definitely wasn't the typical finals week. It of course included sleep deprivation, malnourishment and lots of caffeine, but it also had it's surprise perks, such as going to the all-you-can-eat meat buffet with my professor and his korean students, and of course, the best thing of all, the korean "bookstore."

 Here we are at the "Self Bar", what they call the all you can eat meat bar. The meat cuts aren't the greatest, but it fits the hungry korean college male student's needs. The kid in the blue puffy jacket (never did remember his name) was literally inhaling the meat. 

Another night, we meet up with the "Book Guy." One of our korean student friends has the hook up, and just calls a guy. The guy comes at night in his SUV, backs into the loading area (or parking lot) and opens his back trunk and BAM! Christmas came early for us architecture nerds.

Nope. Not sketchy at all. White SUVs mean safety.

Yep, maybe we were a little excited. and all got Phylogenesis.


Unknown | December 10, 2011 at 2:46 PM

Awesome. Hope you can fit it all in your weight allowance, although the extra cost is probably cheaper than all those books. When I was in Shanghai, we tried to find the black market architecture books near Tongji U, but to no avail....

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