The Japan Chronicles: Naoshima

Our first night in Japan, we landed in Takamatsu -- expecting to experience a capsule hotel, but found out that females aren't allowed! The morning after, we took a trek to the island of Naoshima to start off our architectural trek (read: Ando Mania). We docked at the Naoshima Ferry Terminal, done by SANAA (more stunning photos/plans here.)

We redeemed our hotel flop by staying in a yurt.

After dropping off our bags, we immediately ran to see the museums. Naoshima houses a complex of contemporary art museums, part of the Benesse family, designed by japanese architect Tadao Ando, and they include: Chichu ("in the earth") Art Museum, Lee Ufan Gallery, Benesse House, and Oval House. We had the pleasure of seeing all but the last one, and they all were truly breaktaking.

1) Chi Chu Art Museum


Walter De Maria exhibit
coffee break

2) Lee Ufan Gallery


3) Benesse House

...and back at the yurt grounds...
rocky beach by the yurts