The Japan Chronicles: Nara

From Kyoto, we took a day trip to Nara, one of Japan's most ancient cities.

Five-Story Pagoda

Deer are all over Nara, it's become their mascot

How to avoid deer attack

more deer. gross.

Nandaimon (North Gate to Todai-ji)

Please carry your terrier

Todai-ji (Eastern Great Temple)


Unknown | October 25, 2011 at 11:36 PM

It's funny. I was first charmed by the deer, and then kind of disgusted. They're not quite Disney deer, but deer that look like they're trying to scrounge some cigarettes and occasionally hold up a convenience store. How did you think of Nara in comparison to other old sites you saw in Japan?

anita h. | October 26, 2011 at 2:19 AM

Oh, these were no Bambi deer. I'm not sure why they are even there in the first place. It seems like there were a lot of deer around, so the people thought, ok, let's make it a mascot! Although the kids loved them, they were pretty disgusting to me. The deer are all dirty, skinny, and walk around slowly, and occasionally make this horrible whining sound.

By the time I got to Nara, I was already overloaded in ancient architecture, but it was different because these were much older, but maybe more touristy. I much prefer poop-free UNESCO sites.

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